
Showing posts from March, 2024

An Unexpected Journey

Community-Based Research in our ICT project was unexpected but eye-opening. Before this, I only associated ICT with technical tasks like coding. However, diving into community research showed me ICT's broader applications in real-world issues. This experience taught me the value of interdisciplinary approaches in problem-solving.           To kick off our task, we divided the workload among our group of five, each taking on two parts of the research. However, our initial meeting in front of the municipal of Caoayan, Ilocos Sur, didn't go as smoothly as planned. We arrived unprepared, lacking interview questions and a structured plan, which left us feeling panicked and unsure of our next steps.   Undeterred, we embarked on a walk through the Don Dimas barangay, hoping to find willing participants for our Community-Based Research. Despite the physical exertion of walking and approaching numerous people, we faced challenges finding individuals knowledgeable about the history and

Second to the Last Quarter Chronicles

     Time definitely does fly by rapidly. Preparing for the first day of the tenth grade still feels very real to me. We are presently in the third quarter. The end of one chapter signals the start of a new one, as we often remark. As a result, I'll improve for the fourth quarter. There were numerous opportunities for learning during the third quarter. However, I'll give a summary of what I've learned, the difficulties I've encountered, and how I overcame them before I tackle another quarter.       I gained a lot of knowledge about HTML Frames, HTML Links, HTML Tables, and HTML Lists just for our ICT course. These act as building blocks that assist developers in structuring and designing content, as well as defining the relationships and hierarchy among different parts on a webpage. In essence, HTML is the fundamental building block that browsers utilize to combine text, multimedia, and interactive elements to create dynamic, aesthetically pleasing websites. It is a c

Abante, Babae

          This month, we celebrate the strength, resilience, and achievements of women worldwide. And in this journey of honoring extraordinary women, one figure stands out as a beacon of hope and inspiration: Leni Robredo.           But who is Leni Robredo? Is she merely a political figure, or does her story transcend the realm of politics, touching the very essence of womanhood and empowerment?           Born in Naga City, Philippines, Leni Robredo's journey is one of resilience and dedication. She emerged from the shadows of her husband, the late Jesse Robredo, a beloved public servant, to carve her own path in the realm of politics. But her journey wasn't without challenges. As a woman in a predominantly male-dominated arena, she faced skepticism, criticism, and doubt. Yet, she persisted.           Robredo's commitment to public service goes beyond mere rhetoric; it's ingrained in her actions and deeds. As a human rights lawyer, she fought for justice and equa

A Day That Will Never Be Forgotten

          "Best High School Day Ever," a phrase that has been circulating on Facebook during and even after the foundation day of Ilocos Sur National High School. Many of us, students, have no experience with an event like this, especially students affected by the pandemic. Events like this are usually disapproved because of the circulating virus. It's fortunate that we got to experience a fun high school day where a lot of activities were done.             The foundation day started with a parade by section. It came to our attention that there would be an award for "The Most Disciplined Section," so we, Marconians, prepared for it. Fortunately, we won the award, and we couldn't be more proud of ourselves. Cheers and happy screams were heard as they announced us as the winners. It was a tiring parade, but it was worth it.                          Next was the field demo of each grade level. Unfortunately, we couldn't watch the other grade levels'