Second to the Last Quarter Chronicles

     Time definitely does fly by rapidly. Preparing for the first day of the tenth grade still feels very real to me. We are presently in the third quarter. The end of one chapter signals the start of a new one, as we often remark. As a result, I'll improve for the fourth quarter. There were numerous opportunities for learning during the third quarter. However, I'll give a summary of what I've learned, the difficulties I've encountered, and how I overcame them before I tackle another quarter. 

     I gained a lot of knowledge about HTML Frames, HTML Links, HTML Tables, and HTML Lists just for our ICT course. These act as building blocks that assist developers in structuring and designing content, as well as defining the relationships and hierarchy among different parts on a webpage. In essence, HTML is the fundamental building block that browsers utilize to combine text, multimedia, and interactive elements to create dynamic, aesthetically pleasing websites. It is a crucial component of the internet. 

     My journey towards knowledge doesn't stop there. We were given a lot of deadlines, summatives, and quizzes in a single week during the third quarter, which caused me to lose it and become unwell because I didn't really have time to recover and my examinations were the following week. Given how much our lecturers asked of us, it was difficult for me to manage my time. I become really anxious about missing quizzes and activities. To combat this, I make schedules for everything. I also messaged the subject matter experts to inquire about any clarifications needed for their particular subject. What a draining experience that was. 

     Despite the challenges I encountered, I developed time management skills. I ensured that there was no wastage of time. I seized every opportunity to do the coursework I had neglected. I'm positive that everything is achievable if you have the will and perseverance to see it through. 

     I'm prepared to approach the final quarter with a more resilient mindset as it approaches. I'm determined to put the valuable lessons I've learned from the ups and downs of the last few months into practice going forward. Equipped with my newfound understanding, I'll meet obstacles head-on and grow from any disappointments. I'll build on my successes, welcome change, and keep an optimistic outlook. With growth and progress as our main priorities, I'm optimistic that the next quarter will surpass the previous one.


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